
The concept of Sociotherapy originates from a reflection on the sociologist profession, on the specificity of its knowledge and on their possible use on a person-helping dimension.

Our proposal's foundation as sociologists is to put the communicational tissue linking individuals, aggregations, groups and families as a perpetual subject of study, research, advice, analysis, prevention and empirical evaluation.

That communicational tissue is interpreted by us as the source of the sociologic knowledge and the recipient of the same knowledge: from here begins the cognitive and therapeutic operation on the representation network of individuals as such and on their relational dimension, which constitutes the sociotherapy kernel.

From these premises - and on a university research activity and theoretical formulation basis born to overcome individuals discomfort situations thanks to a decades-long empirical experience - the sociotherapist role is outlined, as a professional considered adequate to act by using the sociotherapy own means as a scientific discipline to overcome persons' discomfort situations and reach a comfort situation.

Download the statute (now in editing)

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is the aggregation of the principles and regulations that every Sociotherapist must oblige to and to which he should inspire himself during the practice of its profession. Those principles and regulations are valid for the Sociotherapist in every context and role he's performing the specific activities of the profession, being it therapeutic activity on the network of representations of an individual and their relational dimension or being it (quoting from the statute) "research activity, advice, communication, design, empirical evaluation, teaching performed in an autonomous mode or inside public or private organizations".

Those principles and regulations are an indispensable mean to monitor the activities performed by the Sociotherapist and constitute a warranty for all those that would require his intervention as a professional. Intervention requests may pertain all those activity fields provided by the Statute, and eventually the new sectors that could come up during the continuation of the activities.

Download the Code of Conduct (now in editing)

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To reach the purposes defined in the Statute and abiding the rules described in the Code of Conduct, a Regulation that defines the organization, the rights and duties, the elective roles, the national or local locations, the ammission and decadence criteria for members, etc. has been introduced.

Download the regulation (now in editing)

Article of incorporation

Elementi informativi previsti dalla legge 14 gennaio 2013, n. 4, recante "Disciplina delle professioni non organizzate".

Si pubblica in allegato l'Atto costitutvo sottoscritto dai soci promotori in data 19 Marzo 1996.

Download the the article of incorporation (italian)